Lars-Frelle Petersen, Director General at the Danish Agency for Digitisation shares Denmark’s vision for digital government. In a country where citizens’ trust of the government is already high, Frelle-Petersen doesn’t take it for granted. “We have to have our citizens trust that when they interact with us online… it has to be secure, it has to be trustworthy, and they have to trust these digital channels.” Read more
A Road Map for Chief Data Officers As the number of state and local CDOs grows, a newly released white paper identifies some common best practices for the position. Read more
"Smart Country: Connected, Intelligent, Digital" and the winner is... This year's Reinhard Mohn Prize "Smart Country: Connected. Intelligent. Digital." will go to Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the former President of Estonia. We award him the prize in honor of his pioneering work on the promotion of digitalization in government, education and public services. Read more
Estonia proposes international partnership for a new open source land registry project The Estonian government plans to build a new electronic land registry in partnership with other countries. The project will explore how to build “a transnationally adjustable land register solution, which would be based on open-source software, and developed in a way that it could be adopted by various EU Member States and other countries. Read more
Cross-agency collaboration addressing societal challenges Cities addressing homelessness face numerous challenges: counting and classifying populations; defining and pursuing actionable goals; harnessing resources to connect varied populations with appropriate aid; and building political will around the cause. To guarantee the economic stability and well-being of their communities, local governments are looking for new approaches to provide stable housing to those in need. Read more
Open eGovernment practices in all EU Member States make public services more collaborative, efficient and inclusive In a digital single market, public services should be digital, open and cross-border by design. As part of the eGovernment Action Plan, public administrations and public institutions should be providing borderless user-friendly and end-to-end digital public services to all citizens and businesses by 2020. Read more