Singapore‬ is launching a new agency to oversee all aspects of government ‪‎technology‬ and digital public services.

The new ‪‎Government‬ Technology Organisation (‎GTO‬) will help implement the country's ‪‎Smart Nation‬ initiative, working with ‪‎agencies‬ to use ‎robotics‬, artificial intelligence (‎AI‬), Internet of Things (‪‎IoT‬) and ‪‎Big Data‬ in ‪‎public‬ services.

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The world’s leading digital nations?

Five countries just gathered to discuss cutting-edge digital government. Called the D5, the group is comprised of Estonia, Israel, New Zealand, South Korea, and the United Kingdom.

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3 Strategies for Building a ‪‎Customer-Centric‬ Government

With new tools at their disposal, ‎governments have the opportunity to create a golden age of ‪‎citizen engagement. That could do a lot for trust in ‪‎government.

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Cybersecurity‬: A Millisecond ‪‎Defense

‪‎From access to activation, we pass through multiple ‪‎digital ecosystems with devices that can be used to ‎hack unrelated digital system processes in a millisecond.

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6th International Conference on e-Democracy: Citizen rights in the world of the new computing paradigm

Title: 6th International Conference on e-Democracy: Citizen rights in the world of the new computing paradigms
Date: 10-11 December 2015
Location: Athens, Greece

Information and communication technologies move fast; faster than society, faster than governments, faster than the law. Connectivity is already impressive, but the near future brings about the interconnection of everything, via the Internet of Things. It also brings fundamental changes to our computing paradigm, with cloud computing gaining momentum and being expected to become the prevalent computing paradigm in the years to come. Increasingly more data are being collected, about almost everything one can imagine; and they remain there, in cyberspace, for ever, sometimes even resisting efforts to delete them. These data are so attractive that a new science, going by the name “big data” has already emerged. All these developments constitute in most cases an improvement in our everyday lives, but sometimes infringe our rights as citizens. The challenge, therefore, is to safeguard citizen rights in the face of a new era, landmarked by new computing paradigms.

How to marshal the power of ‎innovation

‪‎Well-timed and targeted innovation boosts productivity, increases economic growth and helps solve societal problems. But how can governments encourage more people to innovate more of the time? And how can government itself be more innovative?

The OECD Innovation Strategy provides a set of principles to spur innovation in people, firms and government. It takes an in-depth look at the scope of innovation and how it is changing, as well as where and how it is occurring, based on updated research and data.

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